Thursday, September 23, 2004

New LYS!

Yesterday I was all excited about the spinning and thinking ahead to where the heck am I going to get supplies besides ebay. So I did a search to see if any of the local (meaning within 2 hours of me) yarn shops carried spinning supplies, and I found one that I didn't know existed before! It's called Morning Glory Yarn & Fiber, and it's in Bentonville, AR which is about an hour and a half from me. I have never been there, so I emailed the shop owner for directions to her place. She emailed me back this morning telling me the hours and directions.
It's on a working farm, and the directions are a little countrified: "Look for small country cemetery on right side of road." and "The concrete road will continue left when you come to a board fence. Bear right at the end of the road and proceed on the black top road through the gate at the wooden board fence." and end with "Our dogs will let you know when you arrive."
So that's going to be an adventure. I plan on going Thursday the 30th since I get off work at 11AM that day and will have the whole afternoon free. I'll try to remember to bring the camera and take a few pictures. Jan, who is the owner, said that she will be leaving for SOAR the next day so the shop is closed that weekend. If I don't go Thursday I'll have to wait till she gets back the following week, and we all know how not good I am at the waiting for things. The only thing keeping me from going earlier is that my wheel isn't here yet. I want to give it a try and have any questions answered while I'm there, plus if I get to where I reasonably know what I'm doing maybe they'll let me try out some of the wheels they sell.

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