Friday, March 06, 2009

Camp Pluckyfluff!

Last month I went to Harveyville, KS for Camp Pluckyfluff taught by Lexi Boeger her own self.  I can't believe I didn't run home and instantly blog about it here. I'm totally slipping on my craft blogging. Ravelry has pretty much sucked all the project documentation motivation out of me somehow. There is a big Yarn Room reorganization/move coming up at my house so I'll be sure to document that here for your viewing pleasure. I'm sure there will be some half done something or others that turn up for us to laugh at. 
So anyway, Camp was great! There were only about a dozen students so it wasn't all crowded. We made lots of awesome yarn, ate a lot of really great food, and invented a drinking game that involves the word orifice. That's all you need to know. haha 
Lexi is really nice and she's a great teacher, so if she ever does one of these workshops near where you are and you have ANY interest at all in learning to spin novelty stuff you should sign up.
Here is my little pile of yarns. Just click on it to see the whole set on flickr.

My Yarns From Camp

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