Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Crazy Spinning Wheel Lady

OK, I'm giving serious thought to getting a spinning wheel and learning to spin now. Laugh all you want. I know I once said I'd never turn into crazy spinning wheel lady, but now I'm thinking..hmm...it wouldn't be so bad to have yarn I spun and dyed myself. It could be cheaper since a pound of roving is generally cheaper than a pound of nice 100% wool yarn depending on the degree it's processed. (Though I'm sure in reality it'll just be an additional expense since I'm still going to want to get new yarn because I'm sick like that.)
I ordered a book that explains the whole spinning process in great detail. I guess I'll read that and if it's not too overwhelming I'll start looking for a nice used wheel. Or, I could figure out how to build one if that doesn't seem too difficult. I've seen some on ebay someone built out of pvc pipe and regular wheel parts. I really like the look of those Indian Book style wheels, but they only work with cotton or silk don't they? Oh geez, what am I getting myself into now?
Klaralunding Along
Klaralund is still just one sleeve. I am about three inches away from finishing the one sleeve and I'm tired of looking at it. I'm going to take it to SNB with me tonight and we'll see if I finish it. I meant to do a lot of knitting over the weekend, but just managed to really work on it for a little while Saturday night. Sunday I was on a cleaning rampage and couldn't make myself sit still long enough to knit more than a few rows on a scarf. So, yeah..pics of the Klaralund sleeve will be forthcoming if I finish it tonight.

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