Friday, October 01, 2004

Morning Glory Yarn & Fiber

I suck and forgot the camera yesterday for the country yarn store expidition. :(
It was actually pretty easy to find the place. The directions were perfect right down to the dogs letting us know when we arrived. They had 4 super cute doggies who all came around by the time we were ready to leave.
Jan was really super nice! She showed me all the wheels and let me watch her spin & ply so I have a better idea what I was doing wrong. (I was treadleing too fast and letting it get too much twist before it fed onto the bobbin, then when I started to treadle slower I wasn't letting it get enough twist before I let it go and I was trying to use too much fiber at once.) She said if I'm having trouble with anything just call her or come up with my wheel and she'll help me.
They sell Louet and Ashford wheels. She had a great wheel, an Elizabeth, and a Joy set up in the shop, then two different Louet wheels that I didn't get the model numbers of. I think if I ever get a wheel other than the fiber starter I'll get a Louet...they were just nicer, more modern looking, and have the same tension setup as my Babe.
Jan's husband (who's name I can't remember..I'm terrible with that stuff) showed up after a while, but he mostly stayed out on the porch with Steve. Then they went to look at the sheep and the Llama and the highland cows. I was busy shopping so I didn't get to see the cows :( Maybe next time I will. I ended up getting some larger size dpn's that I'd been looking for, (11's & 13's) an extra 16in size 7 addi turbo circular needle, a spinning reference card/spiral book thing, and some wool wash stuff that smells like lavendar.
The only yarn they sell is the Green Mountain Spinnery line. Most of these yarns were pretty nice, and if I'd had more money I would have gotten some. They also had several different spinning fibers...everything from cashmere to yak, several blends, dyes, drop-spindle kits, and even weaving looms and supplies. I'll be back for sure.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi, I've been spinning on a wheel for about a year and was never going to get sucked into the spinning thing :)
I started with a rather cranky "loaner" but then a friend highly recommended the Fricke as it was very inexpensive but of her four wheels was the most versatile and smooth. Thought you might like to check it out. I've absolutely no affiliation with this co. I bought the S160.
Good luck and happy spinning regarless of wheel. I'm enjoying your blog enormously so will be back to see how your spinning adventure unfolds.